BOOKINGS: Tours, Wine Tastings, Lounge & BUY Vouchers

Guided Tour & Wine Tasting

Guided Tour to the Winehouse. Taste 4 of our wines, homemade bread and olive oil, with option of tapas. Relax in our lounge and refresh at our infinity pool while savouring the authentic flavours and traditions of Algarve.

Book Lounge Table

Just book a table. Enjoy our wine and tapas at our lounge and swimming pool. You can decide at the local if you want to enjoy a wine tasting, a bottle of wine, tapas...

Voucher Gift

Offer a unique experience with unique Algarve flavors. You receive the voucher immediately.

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Mais informações

Visit us! Get to know our family history, relax with a view to the vineyard and refresh in our pool with a glass of wine!

Get to know the history of the Quinta da Tôr family that is original from Tôr Village, learn more about our production processes and taste our wines while enjoying the magnificent view of the mountains.

In a calm, familiar and sharing environment we aim that you bring home a little of our tradition. At our store you can choose the wines that you prefered so that you can appreciate it where and when you wish.

If you prefer you can come to our lounge and enjoy a glass of wine while enjoying the astonishing vineyard view. You can bring your swimsuit and refresh in our pool!

We hope to see you soon!
